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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

She’s dedicated to delivering prompt treatment and peace of mind to breast cancer patients

In today’s healthcare landscape, patient-centred services have become crucial. Amid this evolution, one establishment that stands out is Solis, a breast care and surgery centre led by a specialised team of female surgeons, radiologists and pathologists.
Solis redefines breast cancer care by prioritising patient needs and outcomes. At this one-stop facility, experts collaborate seamlessly, leveraging modern infrastructure designed for convenience and comfort.
From screening and diagnosis to surgical treatment and post-care, Solis ensures a personalised experience for every patient. This holistic strategy helps patients feel supported at every stage of their journey.
Solis partners with Luma Women’s Imaging Centre to provide patients with on-site access to diagnostic services like ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and 3D mammography, which are conveniently located in close proximity to consultation rooms. This arrangement enables patients to review their results with surgeons in as little as two hours. Additionally, breast radiologists are available to discuss cases or perform biopsies when needed, ensuring a seamless turnaround.
Screening processes are designed to maximise diagnostic accuracy while ensuring patient comfort. For instance, digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) — also known as 3D mammography — captures high-resolution images of the breast from multiple angles, providing more detailed data. Since DBT requires less breast compression, patients typically experience less discomfort.
In addition to on-site diagnostic services, Solis offers consultations for women who have received abnormal breast screening results and provides further investigations, treatment opinions as well as second opinions for those diagnosed with breast cancer.
When a diagnosis is made, doctors may recommend surgery as one of the next steps. Dr Tan Yah Yuen, a senior consultant, breast surgeon and medical director at Solis Breast Care & Surgery Centre, shared that Solis’ Paragon outlet has two day-surgery operating theatres integrated with clinics and radiology facilities to ensure a seamless experience for patients. “In a large hospital setting, breast surgeons may face logistical and infrastructural challenges since the operating rooms cater to all surgery types,” she noted.
Dr Tan added that breast surgery has evolved over the years to focus more on day procedures. Most surgical biopsies that don’t require sedation can be completed in about an hour.
“The majority of breast cancer surgeries — especially for early-stage cancers — can now be performed as day surgeries, allowing patients to return home the same day. Numerous studies support this approach, showing that patients tend to recover better at home, surrounded by their loved ones in familiar surroundings,” she said.
Luma offers intraoperative frozen section analysis, a technique where a tissue sample is rapidly frozen and examined under a microscope. This method is used during surgery to analyse the sentinel lymph node and assess tumour margins.
A sentinel lymph node biopsy is a critical procedure in breast cancer surgery. The sentinel lymph node is the first lymph node where cancer is likely to spread from a breast tumour, with most patients having one to three sentinel lymph nodes in the underarm area.
By identifying, removing and assessing the sentinel lymph node(s) during surgery through intraoperative frozen section analysis, doctors can determine if the cancer has spread and make more informed treatment decisions.
“The procedure enables the sentinel lymph node to be tested for cancer on the spot,” explained Dr Tan, who was a key figure in establishing Singapore’s sentinel lymph node programme in restructured hospitals for early breast cancer in 2005.
The procedure takes about 15 to 30 minutes. Based on the results, the surgeon decides during the operation whether to remove all the lymph nodes. “This approach helps avoid the need for a second surgery,” she said.
Breast cancer can sometimes be more extensive than what mammograms, ultrasounds or MRI images reveal. To ensure clear surgical margins during breast conservation surgery, intraoperative frozen section analysis is used. During this process, tissue surrounding the tumour is harvested and tested for cancer cells. If cancer is found, the surgeon continues to remove tissue until the margins are clear (free of cancer), reducing the likelihood of needing another surgery to remove remaining cancerous tissue.
Currently, Solis is one of the few private day-surgery facilities in Singapore that offers intraoperative frozen section analysis with a pathologist on-site.
While breast cancer primarily affects the body, treatment and recovery involve more than just physical care. At Solis, patients benefit from holistic support that complements medical treatment. This is achieved through a partnership with Can-Care Singapore, which offers products, services and programmes to help patients better cope with cancer recovery.
“Despite its name, the post-care stage for breast cancer treatment actually starts at diagnosis,” said Ms Eleanor Wong, breast care nursing lead at Solis Breast Care & Surgery Centre and operations lead at Can-Care Singapore. “Once a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer, post-care can be discussed as part of the treatment journey to better prepare her and help her understand that there’s life after breast cancer,” she elaborated.
Ms Wong noted that patients often express anxiety about body image after undergoing surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. They fear being labelled as “cancer patients” and worry about the possibility of the disease spreading or recurring even after treatment. Other common concerns include dietary changes and difficulties with sleep.
Can-Care Singapore’s comprehensive services are crafted to support female breast cancer patients and their families in coping with the emotional and physical challenges of the disease, promoting overall recovery and well-being.
Building a community among breast cancer patients can uplift their mental and emotional health. Club Solis, Solis’ breast cancer support network, was established for this purpose. In addition to offering rehabilitation and nutrition advice, the club features a befriender programme and support groups. Club Solis also hosts engagement events where patients and doctors participate in activities such as flower-arranging and jewellery-making.
“Creating such safe spaces aligns with Solis’ culture of care,” said Dr Tan. She highlighted that patients should feel comfortable asking their surgeon and medical team questions and raising any concerns they may have during treatment.
Dr Tan acknowledged that breast cancer treatment can be complicated, often requiring patients to make difficult or complex decisions. “It’s crucial for them to trust their doctor, who acts as a guide. At Solis, fostering a deeper connection with patients is made possible by an all-female surgical team. We aim to provide dedicated support throughout their treatment journey,” she said.
